Natural Plant Extracts for Odor Control
Ecolo Odor Control Technologies Inc. aims to provide odor control solutions with worldwide expertise and top of the line products. Substantiated with impressive scientific evidence and years of experience, proprietary formulations of plant extracts for odor control have been developed. Using industry-specific misting and vaporizing systems, odorous substances are rapidly adsorbed and disintegrated by the complex blend of active ingredients.
- 处理负荷高(5-20kg COD/ m3•d)、COD去除率高(60~95%);
- 工艺装置占地面积小,投资成本较普通生化技术可降低约33%;
- 运行成本可降低达66%(能耗低、污泥量少、药剂消耗低);
- 全封闭,挥发性有机物与沼气一起焚烧,不产生臭味及二次污染;
- 沼气可回收利用;